Monday, July 18, 2011

Writers blazed through True Blood episode with vamp speed

I’ll just go ahead and say it.

Last night’s True Blood was too damn short! Houston Chronicle’s Nathan Venz hit the nail on the head in his review. Perhaps, he said, the reason each episode seems so short this season is because Alan Ball has created far too many storylines for viewers to keep track of.

I agree. While the 5 billion (I exaggerate) plots may morph into one, something is seriously wrong if the show’s main character (telepath Sookie Stackhouse) has only 10 minutes of screen time throughout the 45-minute show.

Here’s all you need to know about “I'm Alive and on Fire.”

The Good

  • I thoroughly enjoyed faerie blood drunk Eric. It is still weird to see Alexander Skarsgaard play the amnesia version of his Viking character, but I am enjoying every minute of it. He’s really proven his versatility as an actor.

  • The sexual tension between Sookie and Alcide is tangible. And although he swears his girlfriend Debbie Pelt has changed, fans got a glimpse of the old, were-fox last night when a glimmer of jealousy ran across her face after she learned her werewolf came (and will likely always come) to Sookie’s aide. Just remember Deb that your actions last season forced the two together! I will admit though that a V addicted Pelt is far more interesting than one that serves finger foods. Wonder when she’ll show her “true colors.”

  • I LOVED how Bill reacted to the fact that he just had incestuous sex with his great, great, great granddaughter. Really LOL-worthy. Guess that’s the end of Portia Bellfleur storyline?

  • Is it just me or is True Blood a lot funnier this season? Seems like Sookie gets some really great one liners. “Get out of there before a gator chomps your you-know-what off!”
The Bad

  • I really, really want to know whether Arlene’s creepy baby wrote “Not Your Baby” on the wall with the blood red marker or if it was the even creepier baby doll Jessica and Hoyt gave to the couple.

The mystery surrounding this doll reminds me a lot of little quirks LOST writers used to insert into the ABC primetime show. I can’t help but think that Arlene is just perpetuating her fear about the Mikey, and if she just pushes all that aside, he’ll seem more and more normal to her. Sometimes when you think a shadow is a ghost, it becomes a ghost. You know what I’m sayin’? If it grows up constantly berated by its mother for being the creepy son of a serial killer, he’ll become the creepy son of a serial killer. (Yes, I know I used the word creepy far too much in this paragraph.) Nature v. Nurture, everyone.

  • Tara and Jesus annoy me for some reason. As does the witch who for whatever reason Alan Ball chose not to imitate after the one Charlaine Harris created. Harris had V-addicted, shifter witches in the fourth book. I feel like they would be more interesting and this witch is honestly kind of pathetic.

  • Where was Jessica this episode?! This is one storyline that Ball didn’t tackle, but should’ve. He dropped a bomb last episode when he revealed the Jessica has a tendency to use her vampy powers in order to get Hoyt to stay with her after she confessed she cheated on him by drinking from a fang banger. A slippery slop anyone? All is not well in casa de Hamby and Fortenberry. Tell us about it!
The Ugly

  • If the above mentioned witch does not fix Pam’s beautiful face soon there will be hell to pay! That is all.

  • I hate, hate, HATE Sam’s storyline. His baggage with Tommy and the Mickens has just gone on way too long and frankly it’s quite boring.

  • I’m glad Jason escaped all the snu snu going on in Hot Shot. It’s interesting to see how something he once prided himself on (his sexuality) is now being exploited. Will Jason change his player ways now?

Crystal Norris’ delusional behavior is somewhat unbelievable though. How can she not see that Jason hates her now? Then again that may be explained if she’s hopped up on V.

Also, why has no one been looking for the poor kid? Jason’s been missing for two or three days now! And he’s a cop!

It’s also interesting to note that True Blood’s writers were once daring enough to show a semi-rape between two vampires (Bill twists the head of Lorena making for one of the most gory sex scenes in TV history) but shy away from what is at first perceived in the show’s preview to be forced pedophilia on Jason’s part. Hotshot Grandpa Uncle wants him to have sex with an impregnate a tween, who ultimately lets him escape instead of deflower her.

I’m not complaining about this turn of events either. If Jason were to have sex with the young panther it would have disgusted me, and I think viewers agree it would’ve alienated everyone. Plus. Just. Ew.

What did you think about last night's episode? Sound off in the comments below and take a look at what Ball has in store for next week.


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